An Interview That’s ALMOST READY

August 14, 2018

Al Champagne, for as long as I’ve been Facebook friends with him, has been promoting his close to being finished documentary Almost Ready, about the New Orleans punk rock scene in the 70s and 80s. With some teasers of interviews released and snippets of photos taken, it’s certainly been in production. But when will it be ready?

Neaux Reel Idea: What Is BLACKkKLANSMAN?

August 14, 2018

Spike Lee’s latest film and condemnation, BlacKkKlansman, isn’t really a comedy. Sure, it's been marketed as one. Sure, its title brings to mind Dave Chappelle’s infamous/hilarious skit from over a decade ago. And sure, one of the best ways to take away the power of racists is to expose their silly and ignorant nature (which this film does in spades). No, it still isn’t really a comedy.

EVENTS! For August 10th – 12th

August 10, 2018

My goodness, we’ve made it through another week, haven’t we? This computer simulation we call reality keeps throwing us curve ball after curve ball, especially in the city we call big and easy. But, have no fear: Three-weekend events have been selected and sorted out of the collective hat, to put some pep in your step!

Pressing Forward

August 1, 2018

Nowadays, if I were to grade myself on a liberal spectrum, I’d be midway between standard Democrat and outright Dem-socialist, which probably makes Our Revolution the best match for me, honestly. No, I’m not a “Bernie Bro”. I voted for Hillary and would make that selection again anytime. As I continue to learn about myself, I’ll make mistakes and successes for sure. But at least I won’t be able to say that I wasn’t looking forward, pressing onward and upward.

Acting Brando

August 1, 2018

Actor John Mese has recently has begun performing a one-act, one-man play on Christian Brando called Wild Son. I thought this would make for a good opportunity to catch-up and learn more on the Hollywood career acting process.

Music Review: NIGEL’S DREAM from Tuba Skinny

July 31, 2018

I had the fortune, many years back, of discovering Tuba Skinny’s music through a google and facebook search of local New Orleans bands. Their ninth available album, Nigel’s Dream, now for download on their Bandcamp page, continues their street side fair of jazz performance, albeit with two new exceptions; little to no Erika Lewis and it all sounds right off the record needle.

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